By paying for the program, I agree to the following:

  • The program cost is none refundable, however, is transferable towards other programs at M.I.M.

  • Models International Management does not guarantee representation within the company. M.I.M. reserves the right to suspend or expel students for behavioral problems, and/or missed payments.

  • All health impairments have been mentioned and will not interfere with activities held at M.I.M. I hereby waive any and all claims for injury loss or damage which arise from any defect, infirmity or incapacity known to me in so far as M.I.M. and/or its employee’s and /or agents may be found liable or responsible for injury or loss sustained by myself or a family member.
  • I understand, that an emergency contact/registration form will follow by email upon payment of the program. I agree that all information will be filled out correctly and sent back to M.I.M. to ensure that every attempt will be made to contact myself should any emergency situation requiring medical treatment/services occur. In the event, I cannot be reached in an emergency situation hereby give permission to licensed emergency personnel to provide treatment/services necessary to maintain the health of my child. I agree to pay any charges not covered by my medical plan ex. medications, ambulances transportation etc.

  • I understand that my registration is not complete until my payment has been accepted.

  • I/We have read and agreed upon all issues mentioned in this agreement and, by paying for the program, will honor M.I.M.’s policies and regulations.

  • I authorize M.I.M. to use, reproduce, and/or publish photographs and/or videos that may contain myself, including images, likeness and/or voice without compensation. I understand that this material may be used in the various publications, public affair releases, recruitment material, broadcast advertising.